We’re officially multi-award winning… 🏆
Yep… we’ve done it again
We’ve been recognised and awarded ‘New marketing consultancy of the year 2023/24… another achievement we’re proud of….
It’s been a remarkable journey over the past year & a bit for us, marked by multiple award wins and a resurgence of creativity and passion.
We would like to think that our story is a testament to the resilience, hard work and determination that can drive success, even in the face of setbacks and challenges… let’s be clear here, it hasn’t been an easy year by any means.
A mini story time… 📖
The freelancer turned entrepreneur…
If you didn’t know Rochelle’s journey in the world of business ownership began as a freelance PR professional in 2015. With a passion for fashion, beauty barbering and hair, she decided to carve a niche for herself in these industries. As she gained experience and honed her skills, the dream of owning her own boutique PR agency started to take shape.
The rise and fall: 2019 to 2022… 📉
Between 2019 and 2022, Rochelle embarked on an ambitious venture to create her own agency. However, the road was not without its obstacles. The agency faced challenges, and Rochelle herself experienced financial strain, bad decisions, stress and dissatisfaction in her business endeavours. It was a trying period where she faced the harsh realities of entrepreneurship.
A turning point: reconnecting with creativity… 🤯
In the midst of this challenging period (as well as throwing in Covid), Rochelle found inspiration in an unexpected place – a podcast - Shout out Charlie Sloth for unknowing inspiring Rochelle and relighting her fire. This moment served as a catalyst for her to reflect on her strengths and creative abilities. It dawned on her that her past experiences and the lessons she had learned were valuable assets.
The birth of Rochelle White Communications: 2022… 🤔
With renewed determination and a fresh perspective, Rochelle White Communications was born in 2022, but not officially launched. Rochelle decided to start again in the April of 2023, drawing upon her past experiences and the knowledge gained from her previous agency venture. This time, she was committed to making it work, make better business decision and put some serious hard work behind her and make each day count.
On a journey of success (about f**king time)… 🙌🏽
We’re still on a building journey and really enjoying it this time around. I think it’s because, this all seems fitting and right! There are still some outstanding bad decisions hanging around from the old business, but hey doesn’t all businesses and owners go through something like this.
However, since this year, we’ve achieved remarkable success. The agency has not only survived but thrived, racking up multiple award wins, collaborations with various people and brands across the media landscape and securing extensive PR and press coverage in both trade and consumer publications.
Words from Rochelle White… 👇🏽 Rochelle herself reflects on her journey, stating,
"To start again from very, very little and in a pretty shit and unpredictable climate wasn’t an easy decision, but a necessary one. Acknowledging failure and poor decision making isn’t the best feeling in the world. However, to have the opportunity to put (many) lessons learned into practice has been rewarding.
I've got back to loving what I do, with a much clearer vision, drive and focus - which is building a business and brand I'm proud of and actually suites me, my skills, knowledge and experience. I wasted a lot of time procrastinating and looking for people to help/come and save me, but the reality is – I didn't need it. I knew what I was doing and just needed to focus on that and do the hard work."
She continues, "I started to surround myself with the right types of people, build a network I wanted and focused on the input needed to survive and thrive. I don't think this business journey is easy or a breeze, especially for someone who is creative. It's hard work, hard graft, and stressful. The last 14 months have really opened my eyes to what I can do and achieve, which is fail fast, make fast and solid decisions and welcome challenges and hard work. I know I'm on the right path for me and my business and 2024 will be an even better year."
We have a bright future ahead… 🔆
We’re far from finished with its journey… we’re just getting started.
Rochelle has years of experience, trial and errors to support our growth, but as a agency owner it’s a new road she’s on. We're so proud of the awards that we’ve won… however, if you know Roch - she is going for the big dogs and you know what, she’ll make it happen.
We’re ready to make our move within our industries and with brands heavily dominated by established agencies and long-standing relationships. We embrace the challenges and hard work that lie ahead, with a determination to continue our upward trajectory.
To go from freelancer to multi-award winning agency owner is testament to the power of resilience, creativity and the unwavering belief in Rochelle’s abilities, drive, focus and ambition. Rochelle's journey has been filled with ups and downs, serves as an inspiration to entrepreneurs and creatives alike.
As we continue our pursuit of excellence, it's clear that we’re on track to achieve even greater heights and make our mark in the world of creative advertising, marketing, PR and production.